In my last column, I described the hard work of Section IV officers to continue to address Section IV goals and to update our infrastructure to grow and support our members. Here are some updates on our progress.
In the next few months, we will be asking members to vote on necessary revisions to our bylaws and to provide feedback on possible changes to our section name, as described in the previous newsletter. To facilitate this process, we have established a Section IV listserv, and we want to extend an invitation to all Section IV members to join. This listserv will be used to disseminate announcements and foster discussion among Section IV members on topics that may be of personal and professional interest. If you have not yet done so but are interested in joining the listserv, please email me at
In addition to our (slow but steady!) progress on addressing updates to our Section IV infrastructure, we have also continued Section IV efforts to leading or collaborating with others to produce exciting programming at the annual APA Convention. In August 2017, we held two social events, facilitated our annual symposium, and held a conversation hour on transgender inclusion in feminist spaces at the APA convention. We also disseminated our Section IV awards at the Division 35 Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony. Congratulations to all awardees! You will learn more about awards and section activities on pages 12 through 14 of this issue of PERSPECTIVES.
To end, as 2017 draws to a close and we welcome in the start of 2018 with all of its uncertainties, hopes, and fears, it is critical that we keep at the forefront our commitment to advocacy and social justice to address concerns stemming from entrenched patriarchy, colonialism, and widespread disempowerment of diverse individuals and communities. Therefore, in the coming months, it is my hope that we will engage in direct dialogue with each other to consider what steps we as a Section and as a professional community can take to continue our social justice engagement in these critical concerns. Elliot Tebbe, PhD (
It’s January 6th, and there is a cold breeze in the air, coming through the window this evening. For someone like me, who lived most of my life in warmer climates, the mild winters of Los Angeles are just enough to make me feel energized and renewed by the change of seasons. I spent the day taking down holiday decorations, tying up loose ends, and clearing my desk (and mind) for new beginnings. Now, as I sit to write this column, I am comforted by the thought that no matter how much is left undone at the end of the year, we can always pick things up from where they were left off, and keep moving them forward. Fully aware that LGBTQ communities faced multiple challenges and set backs in 2017—both in the United States and abroad—I remain hopeful for better days, when greater and bolder progress in LGBTQ rights can be witnessed all over the world.
I have reason to be hopeful. I know Section IV, and other professional and community-based organizations, are tireless, and have been doing great work in support of LGBTQ communities around the globe. I also know in 2018 they will continue to educate the general public and policy makers about multiple issues that need to be addressed to improve the lives of LGBTQ people and their families. The current issue of PERSPECTIVES provides many illustrations of this commitment. You will find a message from Section IV president, Elliot Tebbe, with progress updates toward Section goals and strategic vision (page 1); and will also hear from our past-president, Jennifer Vencill, and Graduate Student Committee Chair, Emmie Matsuno, regarding Section IV activities at convention (pages 3 and 4). In case you missed the opportunity to hear them speak last year, pages 5 through 11 feature the cutting edge work of our 2017 symposium presenters; and pages 12 though 14 highlight the accomplishments of our well-deserving 2017 award recipients. This issue of PERSPECTIVES also includes articles by contributing members, information about the upcoming AWP conference in Philadelphia, and other important announcements. As you take all this information in, I am sure you will feel hopeful too.
Cristina Magalhaes, PhD
Cristina Magalhaes, PhD