We encourage members of the Section to consider becoming a regular or one-time contributor of PERSPECTIVES. We publish book and film reviews; commentary on current gender and sexual orientation diversity issues; and columns announcing members’ recent publications, presentations, and other forms of scholarship and service. 

We also publish information about grants, job offerings, internships, conferences, and other opportunities for professional development. We are especially interested in opportunities for teaching, providing direct services, administering programs or securing funds that will be used to benefit women and/or LGBTQ communities. Deadline for submission for the 2022 Summer issue is July1st, 2022.

Note: Submissions are not guaranteed acceptance. The editorial team's decision to publish an article/commentary or announcement is based on a number of factors but primarily "goodness-of-fit" with the aims and scope of the newsletter. Accepted submissions may be edited or published in their original form. Contact Elliot A. Tebbe at for inquiries and to forward materials.