Greetings! I’m thrilled to serve as our Section
4 President this term. I have had the privilege of being part of Section 4 over
the past few years, primarily as our Awards Chair. In my time with the Section, I have been able to learn from
those who have come before me and, in my role as President, I am glad to have the
opportunity to build on their work in pursuit of our purpose and vision
– to advance understanding of sexual and gender diversity in Division 35 and
the field psychology. Our officers and executive board members are integral in
working towards this purpose and vision.
This winter we eagerly welcomed new
officers and executive board members, and we’re pleased to have others continue
in their roles. Joining us this term are Dr. Torica Exume as Treasurer, and
Jaidelynn Rogers, MA as Social Media Manager. Dr. Elliot Tebbe is taking on the
role of Newsletter Editor, Dr. Monica Ghabrial is continuing as Awards Chair,
and Kalila Beehler, MS is continuing as the chair of the Graduate Student
Committee. Dr. Corey Flanders is our Past-President and Dr. Cristina Magalhães
is our President-Elect.
Alex Agiliga